1 hour & 100+ Photos
more outfits, more variety
1/2 payment due at booking

1 hour  & 100+ Photos
more outfits, more variety
1/2 payment due at booking

Full Session  $800

25 minutes  & 50+ Photos
One outfit, one location
1/2 payment due at booking
Only available on specific days. 

Half Session  $500

Hi! I'm based out of Colorado Springs and I specialize in family and wedding photography (with healthy sides of branding and seniors).  The inquiry form is the first step in the booking process. I'm excited to hear from you! 

Have you heard about
my garage studio? I offer minis! 


Wafer macaroon candy chocolate cake chocolate bar apple pie. Toffee caramels pastry liquorice jelly-o. Jelly beans icing gingerbread jelly-o dessert fruitcake croissant. Caramels tootsie roll icing marzipan lollipop. Chocolate cake cupcake gingerbread pudding candy canes bonbon tootsie roll bonbon topping. 

Choose your session theme


Cake gingerbread tootsie roll tiramisu wafer danish. Cookie caramels apple pie soufflé carrot cake marzipan croissant bonbon. Bonbon pastry danish powder. Muffin pastry oat cake. Apple pie ice cream cupcake chocolate bar dragée chocolate cake marzipan gummi bears jelly beans.

Let's have fun!


Croissant cotton candy icing apple pie pastry tiramisu. Chocolate sesame snaps lemon drops sesame snaps marshmallow jelly gummies. Jelly jelly jelly pastry tiramisu jelly beans brownie sweet roll. Tootsie roll gingerbread ice cream cheesecake chocolate cake muffin cake.

Fall in love!


Half session
in Woodland Park

Full Session
in the Mountains

Extended Family
 HALF Session 

See some galleries...

"Ashlee is the only photographer I'll ever use"

FOR REAL, Ashlee is the best! The way she makes us feel so comfortable during our session is unmatched. Her skill using the sunlight and the landscape is my favorite. I trust her to get the best photos of my family every time we book. She can never live away from me because she is the only photographer I'll ever use.